
In the case of arthrosis in the foot, the cartilage layer that separates our joints from each other and protects them from friction recedes. If the protective layer of cartilage is no longer present, or hardly present at all, the bones and joints rub against each other. This causes inflammation and bone changes, which lead to problems in the foot and limited mobility.

The advantages of my private practice are that you do not have long waiting times, I can take enough time for you and appointments are usually available at short notice. Ursachen von Arthrose im Fuß sind Veranlagung, Alter, Übergewicht, Verletzungen , Übergewicht und Fuß Fehlstellungen.

Die häufigsten Formen von Arthrose im Fuß:

Learn more about the new stem cell therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis, which I carry out in my practice. I would be happy to advise you personally at an appointment.

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