Fuß Frakturen, Fuß Rekonstruktion

Due to certain circumstances and illnesses, massive foot misalignments can occur in the area of the foot and ankle. These mialignments are often no longer easy to treat with special orthopaedic shoes and lead to foot problems. The causes for the development of such misalignments can be diabetes mellitus, rheumatic diseases, severe injuries such as complicated foot fractures or the consequences of incorrectly operations.

Apart from pain, pronounced misalignments lead to a significant impairment of the mobility of the affected person. This represents a reduction in the quality of life and has an impact on the patient's health. A foot reconstruction can greatly improve mobility, reduce pain and thus significantly increase the patient’s well-being.

Therapie von komplexen Fehlstellung mittels Fuß Rekonstruktion

Surgical correction of these misalignments can have a positive effect on the load-bearing capacity of the leg and the mobility of the patient. This often requires extensive surgery, which on the one hand requires precise knowledge of modern procedures and on the other hand requires aspects of the soft tissue situation, vascular supply and the overall situation of the patient.

As a senior surgeon I perform these operations to the best of my abilities and knowledge, in keeping with the latest research on the relevant topic. With a wealth of experience from more than 3000 operations, I can ensure that the quality of life of my patients is significantly improved by an operative foot reconstruction.

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